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Monday, April 18, 2011

Summer Komikon 2011

Summer Komikon! Yay!

Last Friday, 16th of January, me and Xy went to Komikon's summer event. Aside from the blazing weather outside, it was awesome. We arrived just as the Hero sausage eating contest started. Free lunch! I was standing right next to Danny Acuna (creator of Majarlica) who just happened to be my tito.

Getting off of the stage after having some nice Hungarian sausages, the Easter eggs are displayed.

Xy's primary mission objective: Hunt down Budjette Tan XD

There were "Bring me" games throughout the event. They asked for a copy of Culture Crash Comics. I had the compilation book with me since I had it signed by IQ40 and Ilog. I wont ten tokens to Quantum. Yay. Drummania XD Anyway, I also bought Cat's Trail Rewind #2 and #3. Also Pasig: Epilogue.

This man, I have always missed whenever I went to Komikon. This time I have a picture. And a signed Pugad Baboy X. Pol Medina Jr. is probably my very first favorite comicbook artist/writer. I knew who he was even before Stan Lee or Jack Kirby.

Next up: Gerry Alanguilan. He has his 'Hey Baby' face on!

On the one free wall, you'd expect geeks to pile up and sniff the fresh toner and ink off of their new hauls. They did so. And so did I.

While I piled myself sniffing off my Pasig: Epilogue, Xy went to the Sorcerer Cartoonist Lico Reloj for a game of cards. Tarot cards, that is.

Lastly, our post on the Freedom Wall. Sharpies rock.

See you next Komikon!

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